The Scope Club of Ballina had their changeover lunch at the Jockey Club on Sunday 19th August.
Welcome to the new Scope Club of Ballina Committee: L-R Ruth Gradwell, Marilyn Myers, Lynne McKee, Leonie Dahl, Jill Vizec, Chris Smith, Margaret Gardiner and Glenys Davidson.
Scope Club of Ballina Executive
President | Jill Vizec |
1st Vice President | Marjorie (Marj) Steinhardt |
2nd Vice president | Leonie Dahl |
Secretary (Correspondence) | Lynne McKee |
Minute Secretary | Margaret Gardiner |
Treasurer | Ros Kirk |
Assistant Treasurer | Jenny Potts |
Action Director | Glenys Davidson |
Publicity Officer | Ruth Gradwell |
TAS reporter | Chris Smith |
Greetings | Arden Petersen |
Club Scrapbook | Marilyn Myers |